Search Medical Assistant Programs in New Mexico

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Cost and Duration

The duration of the medical assistant program would depend on the kind of degree you’ve opted for. MA Certificate programs and diplomas in New Mexico last for about 9 months (including internships). Associate degrees would extend for about 4 semesters and would be completed within 2 years on an average.

It’s good to note that in New Mexico, there are plenty of schools that offer affordable tuition fees for MAs, relative to schools from other states. For instance, Santa Fe, Dona Ana, and Eastern New Mexico Roswell average around $1,600-4,000 in-state fee and $4,000-7,000 out-state fee. This is significantly cheaper than the tuition fees across most accredited medical assistant schools in the country in general.

These amounts are not absolute, and there may be extra costs attached to books and stationery. Also, please note that there is a great disparity between in-state and out-state fees. Apart from these, the majority of other schools in the state match the usual $10,000+ range of tuition fees.


9 Best Medical Assistant Schools in New Mexico for 2023

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Not only the degree, but the school you associate yourself with can be a complete game-changer. The name of a reputed medical assistant school that enjoys goodwill amongst future employers on your resume takes you miles ahead in the job market. Look out for factors that are important to evaluate before making your decision.

You must be having some questions in mind, like what kind of accreditations does the school boast of, what are the fees and duration of the MA program offered by the school, how is the faculty and campus infrastructure, what are school-specific rankings by past graduates and current students, what practical work experiences does the school provide for, does it have a good network of future employing organizations, etc.

Here, we bring you an exhaustive list of the top 9 MA schools in NM. Read the key details of each and make sure to enquire about specific info from the respective school itself.

Cost $3,144
Type Public
Student-faculty Ratio 13:1
Recent Retention Rate 65%
Financial Aid Yes
Placement Services Yes
Counseling Services Yes
Accreditation Body


The medical assistant program here was initiated in 2008. At that time, the course got its approval from the New Mexico Higher Education Department. The program is a medical assisting certificate spanning over 3 semesters. Statistics vouch for the high standards of this particular course, with graduate satisfaction touching the roof at 92%. Moreover, employer satisfaction has been recorded as 100%.

The program prerequisites include completing these 14 credits before starting – Fundamentals of Information Literacy and Systems (4 credits), Composition (3 credits), Medical Terminology (3 credits), and Basic Algebra (4 credits).

The college also offers an AAS degree in medical assisting, which must be completed in 63.5 credits. Those with less than 15 credit course work seeking a degree at the end of the course must take either the Excelling in College – course (3 credits) or the Strategies for Success in College – course work (1 credit) at some stage in their first semester.

Number of Courses Certificate, Associate's Degree
Campus Santa Fe, NM
Cost $3,726
Type Public
Student-faculty Ratio 23:1
Recent Retention Rate 73%
Financial Aid Yes
Placement Services Yes
Counseling Services Yes
Accreditation Body


The course awarded by this school is the Medical Assistant Certificate of Completion. The duration of the class completes within three terms. However, for new students, the first term subjects are taught only during the fall and spring terms. Thus, keep a note as this can delay the program start date for you. The total minimum credit hours for successful graduation to be earned are 34.

This program renders financial aid opportunities. Direct subsidized student loans are also available for those in requirement of the same. A current Healthcare Provider Basic Life Support (CPR) certificate is mandatory. The school has transfer agreements with specific colleges and universities (not only in NM but also elsewhere). Some of the prerequisite courses render students credits that are transferable to a 4-year degree course.

Number of Courses Certificate
Campus Albuquerque, NM / Rancho, NM
Cost $5,119
Type Public
Student-faculty Ratio 22:1
Recent Retention Rate 52%
Financial Aid Yes
Placement Services Yes
Counseling Services Yes
Accreditation Body


Roswell offers both a certificate program as well as an associate’s degree option. Extending over three semesters and with a total credit requirement of 41.5, students need to first pursue the Certificate of Occupational Training. The classes start in the fall. Candidates gain practical work experience towards the end of the program at a practicum in a physician’s office over the summer.

Those wanting to further their education in the field can opt to take an additional 27 credits after meeting all the above certificate program requirements. They are then awarded the Associate of Science degree. Students on course completion are eligible to achieve the CMA accreditation (Roswell has recently achieved re-accreditation by the CAAHEP valid till 2024).

Number of Courses Certificate, Associate's Degree
Campus Roswell, NM
Cost $15,478
Type Private
Student-faculty Ratio 20:1
Recent Retention Rate 78%
Financial Aid Yes
Placement Services Yes
Counseling Services Yes
Accreditation Body


The certificate course in medical assisting at Carrington is completed in as few as 9 months, and the associate degree can be finished in just 16 months. A key feature of Carrington is that it sincerely supports all kinds of financial assistance programs. From private financing to federal and state, loans and scholarships are a part of the policies to help students pay for their education. Your instructors will know each of the class members not only by name but in person too.

Student help is embedded in the school’s culture with an excellent student success center. They offer tutoring options when the need may be. Carrington also promises you that the tuition fee for your course shall remain the same as promised at the time of enrolment. The valuable career services center ensures you get help even after graduation. From resume writing tips to interview preparations, Carrington shall pave the way for a fruitful future ahead.

Number of Courses Certificate, Associate's Degree
Campus Albuquerque, NM
Cost $6,932
Type Public
Student-faculty Ratio 18:1
Recent Retention Rate 52%
Financial Aid Yes
Placement Services Yes
Counseling Services Yes
Accreditation Body


The medical assistant program offered by this school is an Associate of Applied Science in medical assisting. For successful graduation, students are strictly required to achieve a grade C or better on all essential modules. The total credits to complete are 61. Some additional development coursework may be demanded but will not contribute any separate credits. Classes can include algebra, introduction to chemistry, dietary guidelines, and meal planning.

The modules are divided across different areas, and students have to pick respective courses from each of these areas. They may not choose multiple modules from the same area. College Algebra has to be completed, and students might need to take prerequisite programs further.

Number of Courses Associate's Degree
Campus Alamogordo, NM
Cost $7,630
Type Public
Student-faculty Ratio 22:1
Recent Retention Rate 59%
Financial Aid Yes
Placement Services Yes
Counseling Services Yes
Accreditation Body


The Dona Ana School’s MA program is held at the Las Cruces (main) Campus. An AAS in medical assisting is the degree awarded here. The total number of credits that aspiring students have to complete is 66. Classes are spread over 5 semesters. Apart from the essential modules, students may have to complete certain developmental teachings (when applicable).

The program has certain fixed prerequisites that have to be met by all to get accepted. These are the BIOL 154 Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology or BIO 225 & 226, CNA, PCT, and EKG. Students are also advised to take the ENGL 111 and AHS 120 Medical Terminology before enrolling in this program. A distinguishing advantage of the Dona Ana University is its super affordable in-state tuition fee.

Number of Courses Associate's Degree
Campus Las Cruces, NM
Cost $3,663
Type Public
Student-faculty Ratio 32:1
Recent Retention Rate 62%
Financial Aid Yes
Placement Services Yes
Counseling Services Yes
Accreditation Body


This school offers a medical assistant certificate from its Health Sciences division. The program is designed to combine the learning outcomes and competencies from the Nursing Assistant, Phlebotomy Technician, and Medical Terminology modules, alongside English, Maths, and Computer Science skills. Total credits to complete for successful certification is 32.

The school houses an advisement center from where all queries regarding the program can be addressed in detail. To get accepted into the program, you would have to achieve the minimum placement scores on the ACCUPLACER or ACT exam (263+/19+). Alternatively, you can meet the requirement by completing relevant course work.

Number of Courses Certificate
Campus Los Lunas, NM
Cost $15,225
Type Private
Student-faculty Ratio 16:1
Recent Retention Rate 82%
Financial Aid Yes
Placement Services Yes
Counseling Services Yes
Accreditation Body


The key feature about the medical assistant course at Brookline is the highly immersive set up with personal attention rendered to each student. The school purposely keeps a strict small class policy. The degree awarded at Brookline is a medical assistant diploma. The course is also shorter and more concentrated (34 weeks or just under nine months).

The total credits to complete are 27.5, and The total contact hours throughout the course are 646. Moreover, the longstanding 40 years of goodwill that the school enjoys renders much credibility to its graduates. Expect a personalized approach with faculty members tailoring the training based on individual needs. The school assists you land your first job with excellent career services guiding you at every step even after graduation.

Number of Courses Diploma
Campus Albuquerque, NM
Cost $15,234
Type Private
Student-faculty Ratio 25:1
Recent Retention Rate 71%
Financial Aid Yes
Placement Services Yes
Counseling Services Yes
Accreditation Body


Another school with a broad national presence across the United States, Pima Medical is known across employers as a reliable skill provider. In New Mexico, Pima has been an integral part of the Albuquerque community since 1985. A 9-month certification degree is offered to aspiring MAs with a total credit requirement of 34. The Albuquerque campus houses a medical simulation theatre, which is the ultimate USP. Thus, students get to experience real-to-life settings while being trained.

The faculty itself is amongst the most renowned in the field who attempt to create real-world scenarios during the program in the state-of-the-art lab classes. Students can further their studies after the certification, that too from the comfort of their home via an online format. The online health care administration associate degree program can be pursued after the certification.

Number of Courses Certificate
Campus Albuquerque, NM
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Medical Assistant Degree Finder in New Mexico

Employers, when seeking medical assistants, often consider particular degrees for specific placements. So always analyze the degree being awarded to you by your chosen school and program whether it is sufficiently value-adding to your credentials.

Here, you can browse through the distinct MA degree options available across New Mexico.

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Training and Certification Requirements for New Mexico Medical Assistants

Medical assistants in the state of New Mexico are not licensed. The state does not outline any specific laws and requirements for medical assistants in general. They cannot act practicing medical professionals in the state but only be appointed by physicians and other practitioners as assistants.

Thus, in theory, to be a medical assistant in New Mexico, one does not need to pursue any formal education in the stream, and neither do they need to earn any certifications. However, please note that in reality, this is rarely true because most employers seek specialized skills rendered via coveted MA programs. They also seek nationally recognized certifications by the top medical assistant certifying bodies. Therefore, the importance of pursuing MA specific higher education and then sitting for the certification exams just cannot be stressed enough.

Since the job of a medical assistant is so varied across both administrative and clinical functions, an ideal program can ready you for the unexpected tasks at future jobs. Also, to pursue a certification, the student has to complete an accredited medical assistant program substantially.

The most valuable certification to pursue is the CMA (Certified Medical Assistant) credential. It is nationally recognized and not only limited to New Mexico. Since it is rendered by the AAMA (American Association of Medical Assistants), it’s a credential that employers cannot ignore. Hence, passing the CMA exam boosts your employability ten folds with a guarantee of many job opportunities coming your way.

Some other MA certifications that are available to students of New Mexico include:

medical assistant

Written by : Casey Gardner

Casey Gardner is both a healthcare support professional and an accomplished content creator.  She has been working as a certified health care professional with marketable skills as a physician assistant,  and a qualified medical assistant for last two decades. She has dedicated her nursing career to produce over hundreds of content pieces since 2001, and her work has been published both online as well as offline.

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